
Corporate, Health Care Pony Wall Partition

Lending QB2 Conference Room

A frequent use of the Pony Wall is a workstation partition. Typically, it is constructed with stud, drywall, Pony Wall Partition and clad with decorative paneling. This assembly offers inadequate and inconvenient access to the utilities that support equipment atop the workstation desk. The Railset Web Pony Wall frame offers a complete open chase way. Panel cleats, clips, or face fasteners permit sections of the pony wall partition to be removed and easily replaced.

Lending QB2 Conference Room

The 8’w x 4’h x 6”d section in the photograph was pre- assembled in a shop. This size section is easy to handle, ship and position at a job site. Railset Web partitions offer custom size and fabrication options. Flat, radius, one/two/ three-way intersections are all available as are any height and depth.

Health Care Nurse Station